Help Support LACESMA by using Amazon Smile

You can support LACESMA with your regular Amazon purchases. Simply go to Amazon Smile and find LACESMA as the non-profit organization that you want to support. Every time you make a purchase with Amazon Smile/LACESMA, a portion of the sale will be given to LACESMA.

Funds for scholarships and other LACESMA projects come from membership dues and tax-deductible donations.  A regular membership is $50 annually, but a donation in any amount is welcome.  School District Employees can use a monthly payroll deduction of $5/month to cover annual dues by filling out the form below.  You can also honor or memorialize someone by funding a full scholarship for $400.  If you have questions, please contact us via our website.  If you would like to join us, please use the Paypal method on this page or fill out the billing information attached to receive a brochure. Donations of any amount are also welcome.  We honor those of you who give a one time donation!  

Teachers who recommend students for a scholarship audition must be a current member of LACESMA.

NOTE: If you make your Membership payment from this website, please add 3% to the $50.00 payment, making your cost $51.50. This will cover the cost of the processing charge.

To become a member, or sponsor a scholarship, please fill out the Membership Form
Click Here


Regular Membership:   $50.00.

Gold Membership : Donation of $100 - $299     

Platinum Membership : Donation of $300 - $499

Diamond Membership : Donation of $500 and above


If you wish to become a member, or donate any amount to LACESMA, you can simply

Click the Donate Button below.

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