Why do we need highly trained music teachers teaching music in our school?  

The attached you-tube videos will take you to the answer quickly.  Enjoy!

Write letters and send emails to the LAUSD Board Members and the Superintendent.   The School Board, Superintendent Austin Beutner,  Local District Superintendents, and the school principals all need to hear your concerns. Contact information can be found at .  Let them know your feelings and understandings of the value of music education for  our children, especially at the elementary level. Demand that they provide a well-rounded education that includes music and the arts to address the whole child and multiple learning styles.

For more information on music education and sample letters to decision makers visit MENC at , and Chorus America at and click on Advocacy.You may also go to

We need your stories!   How has music impacted your life?  Your child's life?  Your child's attitude towards school?  Please send your stories to us at, David Early, LACESMA president. Let us know if you would be willing to speak to the School Board on behalf of the value of music education. If you know people in the music industry, spread the word about how music education is delivered in our schools and the drastic effect of loosing so many music teachers next school year. We want to continue the best in public education for the students of LAUSD.  That must include access to music and the arts.

A Sparkle 2.0 demo website